This battery radio is believed to be the first model that Charles
Wilson, who lived on his boyhood farm at the time, produced. The
circuit is based on a circuit featured in the November 21, 1931 issue
of the Radio News magazine, page 8. The chassis was assembled at
the Wilson farm and the cabinets was purchased from a national brand
radio cabinet manufacturer and distributor. Wilson cut out the
appropriate holes on the cabinets to custom fit his chassis in them and
then would sell the finished radios to the surrounding farming
community. The dial escutcheon, made by Crow of Chicago,
Illinois, had the Wilson name custom inscribed on it. It's
believed that the chassis of this particular model was assembled in the
bedroom lab of Charles Wilson, shortly before his father built a small
factory building just down the road from the Wilson family
farm. It was in this factory building that a wide variety of
Wilson radios were manufactured up until the war.